How Does Nano Tungsten Trioxide Purify The Air

With the growing awareness of environmental protection and recycling of resources, more and more researches are being made on the degradation of organic pollutants.

nano tungsten trioxide air purification image

The photocatalytic degradation of organic compounds is a new technology, which uses sunlight to degrade organic compounds, saves energy and does not pollute the environment. Therefore, it has great application prospects.

Nano tungsten trioxide is a high quality n-type semiconductor material, as a photocatalyst, WO3 photocatalytic stability is good, photocatalytic degradation of air pollutants also has an ideal catalytic effect, and China is rich in tungsten reserves, ranking first in the world, WO3 has a wide range of sources.

In the role of purification of air, the main goal of nano tungsten trioxide is to improve the energy utilization efficiency of hydrogen and oxygen.

Some scholars have summarized the nano tungsten oxide as a catalyst for several key factors: (1) Nanostructured materials provide the appropriate surface area to volume ratio; (2) A relatively low valence band energy forbidden band gap, so as to effectively use sunlight in the visible region; (3) The appropriate band gap structure can make the sample more favorable to the redox reaction; (4) The stability of the material, so as to endure the harsh operating environment.

In the field of air purification, nano tungsten trioxide can be directly used in the air as oxygen oxidants, effectively decompose indoor and outdoor organic pollutants, and oxidation to remove nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere, sulfides and various types of odor, etc., the reaction condition is gentle, is a very convenient air purification technology, so tungsten trioxide is an ideal choice for air purification machine raw materials.

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