APT Crystallization Liquor Treatment -- Residual Alkali Decomposition Method
The crystalization method of evaporation and extraction method in the preparation of APT crystallization liquor treatment. Leaving about 5% -10% of the WO3 and part of the S, P, As, Mo, K, Na and other impurities, resulting in it can not directly return to the process, in order to improve the recycle of metal, it is necessary to set up auxiliary processes to recycle WO3 in the liquor. The residual alkali decomposition method is characterized by the use of tungsten concentrate decomposition of sodium tungstate in the process of recycle of residual NaOH solution with the liquor reaction, turn the WO 3 directly into Na 2 WO 4 solution, after remove the molybdenum solution into the main purification process and deal with Na 2 WO 4 , and also remove the phosphorus, arsenic, tin and other impurities, the transformation equation is: 2NaOH +(NH 4 )2WO 4 ===Na 2 WO 4 + 2NH 4 OH 2NaOH +(NH 4 )2MoO 4 ===Na 2 MoO 4 +2NH 4 OH The solution recycled by the residual alka