Ten Factors Affecting the Ammonium Paratungstate Crystallization(2)
Ammonium paratungstate (APT) is an important tungsten intermediate product, not only in the purity and process requirements, as well as crystal grain size and crystal distribution requirements. Seemingly negligible some of the objective factors often play a key role in the final product often For these reasons the difference between the least, lost thousands of miles. 6. The impurities in the solution: As the solution P, As, Mo, Si and other impurities easily adsorbed on the crystal growth of the active point, hinder the crystal growth, but also makes the ammonium paratungstate grain thinning, make the quality of deterioration, and easy to enter the product during the evaporation crystallization process, affecting product quality, and even lead to product failure, so in the crystallization process, should take the control of crystallization rate, improve the concentration of NH 4 Cl in ammonium tungstate solution, stirring and washing agents and other methods, to achieve th