Talking About Past and Present -- Flotation
Flotation , also known as flotation separation, is a method of separating useful minerals from ores according to the physical and chemical properties of mineral particles. In the 18th century, it was known that the gas adhered solid particles rose to the surface of the water; In the 19th century, people used gasification (boiled pulp) or acid and carbonate minerals generated by the reaction of flotation graphite flotation. In the late nineteenth Century, due to the increasing demand for metals, the resources of coarse lead, zinc and copper sulfide ores were reduced gradually, in Australia, the United States and some European countries, flotation has been used to fine grained ores to provide concentrates for smelting. At the beginning of the industrial age, the most widely used flotation method is the total oil flotation, it is based on the oily and hydrophilic nature of the mineral and is stirred by adding a large amount of oil to the pulp, the lipophilic mineral sticking to t