Tailings Recycle Wolframite Optimization Design

The wolframite is brittle and easy to smash and produce fine slime, and most of them have fine embedded granularity and more useful metal minerals. The gangue minerals are closely related to tungsten minerals, and the separation is difficult. Many fine grain tungsten can not be recycled. Then it forms tailings.

tailings recycle wolframite image

Some scholars have proposed a comprehensive mineral processing scheme for recycling wolframite from tailings, including the following steps:

(1) Centrifuge gravity separation and tail preconcentration, after the wolframite tailings are adjusted to pulp, the centrifugal concentrator is used to preconcentration and discarding tailings, and the concentrate and tailings of centrifugal gravity separation are obtained.

(2) The concentrate is floated by the first coarse second sweep process, and the flotation tailings and sulfide ore concentrate are obtained.

(3) Magnetic separation of flotation tailings by magnetic separation is carried out, and magnetic separation concentrate and magnetic separation tailings are obtained.

(4) The magnetic separation tailings were enriched by high gradient magnetic separation to obtain wolframite coarse concentrate and high gradient magnetic separation tailings.

(5) Gravity separation of high gradient magnetic separation concentrate was carried out by shaking table separation, and coarse grained tungsten concentrate and grit tailings were obtained.

(6) The floatation tailings were concentrated to 35% ~ 38%, and the flotation flowsheet was made by using coarse crude and fine second sweep.

(7) The wolframite concentrate from gravity separation and flotation to the wolframite concentrate II are combined into the final wolframite concentrate.

In accordance with the characteristics of the separation of coarse fine-grained wolframite, the process has been optimized by the process of "centrifugal enrichment throwing tail - sulphide flotation - magnetic separation iron removal - high gradient magnetic separation - shaking bed gravity separation - black tungsten flotation". The index of mineral separation. Compared with the conventional ore dressing method, the selected ore volume is less than 60% to 65%, and the selection grade is improved and the ore dressing cost is reduced. It is a kind of beneficiation method suitable for the high efficiency recovery of the wolframite from the tailings.

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