Zirconium Tungstate

Expansion and contraction is a common physical phenomenon.

However, there are some materials do not follow the routines, showing the opposite nature of the heat shrinkage, this phenomenon is called "negative thermal expansion", these materials are collectively referred to as negative thermal expansion materials.

In the industrial field, the traditional commonly used negative thermal expansion materials are aluminum, titanium, zirconium, synthetic resin, zirconium tungstate is ammonium paratungstate and zirconium oxychloride synthesis of products, it's a new kind of material with negative thermal expansion coefficients over conventional materials.

zirconium tungstate image

The study shows that zirconium tungstate ZrW2O8 is a kind of negative thermal expansion material with excellent properties, zirconium tungstate has cubic appearance at normal temperature. It has stable negative thermal expansion performance in the whole range of temperature range from 0.3 to 1050.0K, the negative thermal expansion coefficient can reach -9 x 10-6K-1 and is isotropic. This excellent property is the main reason why zirconium tungstate stands out from a variety of negative expansion materials.

Zirconium tungstate can be used either as heat shrinkable material or mixed with other materials to prepare composites with controllable thermal expansion coefficient or zero expansion, in industrial applications, it can reduce the mechanical fatigue, creep and microstructural changes caused by thermal stress and greatly improve the material properties. Therefore, it is widely used in microelectronic components, laser equipment, optical fiber communication, aerospace technology, engine components and precision machinery and other fields. In addition, zirconium tungstate has been added to the modified asphalt to solve the problem of low temperature cracking.

Preparation of zirconium tungstate is mainly based on ammonium paratungstate and zirconium oxychloride. The preparation methods include impregnation method, coprecipitation method, hydrothermal method, sol-gel method, hydrothermal method, all the methods have a common point, that is difficult to synthesize, high cost, which is currently restricting the development of zirconium tungstate material. When the problem can be satisfactorily resolved, the future will be limitless of zirconium tungstate.

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