How to Increase The Fluorescence Yield of Lead Tungstate

Lead tungstate crystals have become a new generation of scintillating materials due to the high density, short radiation length and Moliere radius fast flicker decay time, strong anti-radiation damage ability, air deliquescence, chemical stability and low price.

In recent years, lead tungstate crystals have also attracted attention in the field of nuclear medical equipment applications, especially in the positron emission tomography (PET) and other nuclear medicine imaging has become a hot research at home and abroad. However, lead tungstate scintillation crystals have many advantages, but lower fluorescence yields limit the use of lead tungstate crystals in high energy applications. Therefore, to improve the fluorescence yield of lead tungstate, we can better expand its field of application.

lead tungstate crystals image

At present, there are commonly used ways to improve the low light yield of lead tungstate crystals: (1) Improve the growth conditions, improve the purity of raw materials and adjust the ratio of raw materials to remove as much as possible on the luminous properties of impurities; (2) Doping the ions in the lead tungstate matrix, and the new luminescent center is introduced by compensating the defects so that the doping ions emit light in the blue band; (3) By optimizing and establishing a reasonable annealing process to compensate for oxygen vacancies and reduce defects.

The blue luminescence of lead tungstate crystals lies near 420 nm, in order to improve the low light yield of lead tungstate crystals, it is necessary to have high transmittance in the range of the emission wavelength to reduce the self absorption of the crystal in this band. By optimizing the annealing conditions can compensate for oxygen vacancies, reduce defects, improve the lead tungstate crystal transmittance, thereby increasing the low light yield of the crystal. Therefore, it is important to explore the optimum annealing conditions to improve the low light yield of lead tungstate crystals.

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