Violet Tungsten Oxide Production Manufacture Process

Violet tungsten oxide using the APT as raw materials,which is during at the closed furnace in the industry. Under certain conditions, adding NH3 during calcination, and the NH3 will decompose H2 and N2, it will form a wet hydrogen atmosphere furnace in the stove, so that APT under mild reducing atmosphere, gradually decompose, generating purple oxide reduction. 

There are many factors in the process of preparing violet tungsten, one by the hydrogen reduction of tungsten oxide mechanisms apparent hydrogen greater humidity, the temperature required to obtain the higher tungsten purple, so choose the calcination temperature should be 770 ~ 815 ℃, Second, in the calcination process feed speed, tube speed, NH3 traffic and others factors affect the production of tungsten purple in varying degrees. In the preparation of tungsten purple we should to coordinate various relationships in order to produce a single phase purple tungsten. Its chemical equations are: 3 [5 (NH4) 2O · 12WO3 · 5H2O] = 2w18O49 + 40H2O + 35H2 + 15N2. Comprehensive variety of experimental results can be obtained tungsten production violet optimum parameters are as follows:

Delivery Rate/(kg.min-1)
Furnace tube rotational speed(r.min-1
NHRate of Flow/(m3.h-1)




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